Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Dear Nancy, Brian, Kim & Bobbie, Myles and Carole, Shawna and family,friends of Bob,
I can't imagine the gaping hole that you are all feeling. My family, as well as all of the friends Boobi has touched, are sharing in your loss. It's too bad we are all scattered around the US, as a good hug would really help right now. To those of you who dont know me, I was lucky enough to have Bob as a friend thru his relationship with my husband, who was a college friend. We were thru so many great and many trying times, but one thing for certain, he was always there with a smile, compassion, humor and always flowers. It's s been a 47 year run of constant contact, and I miss him so. I am so very sorry that you are surely going thru the same emptiness.
May we all live a life of being like Bob, nonjudgemental, caring supportive and finding humor to get us thru the day. He lives on in everyone he touched.
Aka Mari Ann Cundall