Monday, September 28, 2020
Dear Aunt Marion and Family,
Recently when talking with you and Uncle John I asked him if the two of you would mind if we drove out now to spend some time with you instead of for "this event." Of course Uncle John responded as I thought he would. He said, "of course, we look forward to your visit."
Who knew? God did ! So, here we are with covid-fear and restrictions in place that won't allow for the normal process of being there. Please know that tomorrow will be a day of prayer, Mass and lots of great memories.
Uncle John never missed an opportunity to come out to visit us at 9526 Clark St. when he was in town. His visits were always very special. He made us laugh in lots of ways.
So, with All the Miritello Siblings together with their Mom and Dad, life is Good.
With much Affection, loving memories we hug you from a distance, Aunt Marion and all our Cousins.
love and prayers, bruce and robyn
donation being sent to Catholic Charities in His Name