Saturday, December 5, 2020
My wife, Marlene, is a 32 year ovarian cancer survivor. Back in 1988 the five year survival rate was about 3%. She started going to Make Today Count, and was so impressed with Lin that I began to go with her. The uplifting spirit Lin injected into that group gave us all courage and hope in the face of immanent disaster. Some of the black humor of the exchanges during the meetings still lives in my memory (Like the man with testicular cancer who said that if breast cancer patients could have restorative surgery, he couldn't understand why he couldn't have "bionic balls" so he'd look like the other guys in the locker room. Ron died a few months later.). So also is the firm direction Lin handed out when appropriate: "The antidote for morphine is pain. If you're still in pain, you need more morphine. Don't let any doctor tell you he's concerned at the size and frequency of dosage" Today patients get to control their own dosage. Lin was way head of her time. We often think of her in friendly remembrance. She was an amazing woman. we will miss her, and we're sure you will too. God bless and keep you. Charles & Marlene Black, Mt. Prospect