Friday, November 12, 2021
Steve my friend, to say I will miss you is the greatest understatement in the history of understatements. I remember the first time we met at summer orientation at MSU in 1969. When you found out I had joined ROTC you nicknamed me General. That nickname stayed with me all through college. Over our four years at MSU you became my closest friend. We had many great times working in the Akers Cafeteria, spending weekends at your parents home, where your family became my second family, But the trip we took to California to see Turkey John during spring break of 1973 is my favorite memory. What fun we had visiting the wine country of Napa Valley, driving Highway 101 down the coast from San Francisco to L.A., touring the NBC Studio, and going to Disney Land. And don’t forget our traveling buddies, Ray Morganti, John Denning, and Dave Bottrall. Well my friend, I’ll let you go for now. I take consolation in the fact that you are in a better place. Please tell your mom and dad hello and give them my love, I miss them too. And if you run into Turkey John say hi for me. Your friend through eternity, “General” Crupper.