Monday, February 18, 2019
Dear Robin, My annual birthday call to you went unanswered this year, that is until your brother Pat called me and told me of your passing. My thoughts and prayers go out to all your family. As colleagues at UIC, you in the College of Business, and I in the Registrar's Office, we often served together on planning committees. What I remember most was the dedication you showed to your staff, and to the students whom you served in the College of Business. I also remember fondly the many times we went out for lunch to the wonderful restaurants that surrounded the campus, both Greek and Italian. Many great conversations ensued. I particularly enjoyed hearing you describe the annual summer trips to the Wisconsin Dells, when you "scooped up" your nieces and nephews and took them up to a cabin resort on the shores of Lake Delton. I know you helped them make great summer memories that will be treasured forever. Rest in Peace, Dear Friend.